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Edmonton, AB – Heritage Days 2023

Edmonton, AB – Heritage Days 2023

Chinese Graduates Association of Alberta (CGAA) had a large display of information and video screens commemorating the Chinese Exclusion Act at The Edmonton Heritage Festival. It is the world’s largest three-day multiculturalism celebration. The festival showcases a diversity of cuisine, entertainment, interpretive materials, and crafts worldwide.

Special thanks to Stephen Tsang for organizing the display and providing photos of the information at the Chinese Pavilion below.

Estimates are that at least 20,000 people attended the Chinese Pavilion and most of them stopped by the display area. Volunteers had talked to a lot of the guests in attendance, with most responding that they had no clue of that part of history.

The 2023 Heritage Festival dates were August 5th (12 pm to 9 pm), August 6th (10 am – 9 pm), and August 7th (10 am – 8 pm).