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Past Events

Past Events

National Remembrance Event

The Senate Chamber

National Remembrance of the 100th Anniversary of the Enactment of the Chinese Exclusion Act in Canada Date: June 23, 2023 Location: The Senate Chamber Time: 3-5 PM ET On June…

Mobilizing For Action: Chinese Exclusion Act 100th Anniversary

Parliament Hill Wellington St, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Stand up for our rights! Join a rally on Parliament Hill to remember the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Exclusion Act and to encourage Chinese Canadians to fight modern exclusion…

Grand Opening of Chinese Canadian Museum

Wing Sang Building 51 E Pender St, Vancouver, BC, Canada

The grand opening of the Chinese Canadian Museum will take place at the historic Wing Sang Building in Vancouver Chinatown this July 1 with the launch of "The Paper Trail",…

Canada Day Ice Wall Installation

The City of Burnaby and the Burnaby Village Museum are collaborating closely with our team to carry out a project that commemorates the 100th anniversary of the introduction of the…

Beyond the Accident of Time

Chinese Gardens at the Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre 180 King Street, Winnipeg, MB, Canada

beyond the accident of time in memory of the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Exclusion Act in Canada Chinese Gardens at the Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre 180 King…